Fasting and its positive effect on the immune system and general health

Fasting and its positive effect on the immune system and general health
Fasting and its positive effect on the immune system and general health

Fasting – In his last study, The head of the Department of Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition at Qarqalari University confirmed, Dr. Ismail Ozkaya, Fasting plays an important role in strengthening the immune system and improving general health. Dr. Ozkaya talks about how fasting has a positive effect on many aspects of health, Stressing that there is no existing medical evidence to prove that fasting negatively affects the immune system.

Stimulate the body

Dr. Ozkaya points out that fasting stimulates the bone marrow and increases blood production. Which enhances the body’s defensive strength. Fasting also plays a role in cleansing the body of accumulated harmful substances. Thus, it strengthens immunity against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The importance of proper nutrition

Dr. Ozkaya stresses the importance of consuming proteins, fibre, and essential vitamins and minerals during Iftar and Suhoor. It is recommended to eat small amounts of food gradually during these two meals. Focusing on chewing food well and eating large amounts of vegetables and fruits.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does fasting negatively affect the immune system?
    no, There is no evidence to prove that fasting negatively affects the immune system.
  2. Is it possible to benefit from eating milk and its derivatives during suhoor?
    Yes, It is preferable to consume milk and its derivatives during the suhoor meal because they contain proteins and probiotics that are beneficial to the digestive system.
  3. What foods should be avoided during Ramadan?
    It is recommended to avoid heavy fatty foods and sweets rich in sugar. Focus on eating foods rich in fiber and protein.

In light of scientific research and medical studies, It can be said that fasting is not only a religious act, but also carries tangible health benefits. By improving immune system function and promoting proper nutrition, Fasting can be a valuable contribution to improving overall health .


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