“Just stop the oil” protesters hit the National Gallery painting

Just stop the oil
Just stop the oil

In sudden events, “Just Stop the Oil” protesters smashed the protective glass of “The Toilet of Venus” (also known as The Rokeby Venus), Painted by the Spanish artist Diego Velazquez in the mid-seventeenth century, Which had previously been attacked by women’s rights during the era of savage women. This reckless act reflects the painting’s continuity as a site of political activism.

Details of the incident

on monday, Two protesters from the environmental activist group entered Hall 30 of the National Gallery in London. They hit the painting using emergency rescue hammers, This led to the room being evacuated and the police being summoned, who immediately arrested the protesters on suspicion of committing a crime of destruction.

Identity of the protesters

The “Just Stop the Oil” movement announced that the protesters who carried out the act were named Hannan (22 years old) and Harrison (20 years old), She stressed that this action came to demand an immediate halt to all new oil and gas projects in the United Kingdom.

Effects of the incident

The painting has been moved to another location to be currently examined by the Art Conservancy. The room returned to normal shortly after noon. Where “The Toilet of Venus” was replaced by “A Dead Soldier”.

Historical context

The history of the painting shows that it was a place of political activity, It was first cut in March 1914 by civil rights activist Mary Richardson using a butcher knife. In response to the arrest of Emmeline Pankhurst.

Protesters’ positions

After destroying the painting, Hanan expressed: “Women did not gain the right to vote by voting; it is time for action, No to words. It’s time to ‘just stop the oil.'” Harrison added: “Politics is failing us. Politics failed in 1914. Millions will die because of new oil and gas licenses. If we love history, art, and our families, We should “just stop the oil.”

Examine the board

A video shared on social media shows the two giving their speeches, Before they were forced to sit on the floor, they showed their solidarity by holding hands. In an advertisement on Instagram, “Just stop the oil” I wrote: “today, Our government has unveiled plans for more oil licences, And she knows exactly when this will kill millions. In response, Our supporters smashed the Rokeby Venus – previously cut down by Mary Richardson in 1914.”

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